Young Artists’ Competition 2025
We are thrilled to have you join the legacy of young artists who are seeking enriching educational opportunities. Through the Arizona Young Artists’ Competition, our diverse, burgeoning creative community is given the opportunity to compete in the disciplines of Modern/Contemporary Dance, Classical Voice, Musical Theatre Voice, and Acting. This competition enables young Arizona artists to experience the audition process and garner productive feedback and pertinent experience through an adjudication process led by highly esteemed arts professionals.
After the preliminary auditions, four finalists will be chosen from each discipline. These artists will be given the chance to astonish our panel of respected judges in our Arizona Young Artists’ Showcase and vie for an opportunity to bring home a $1,500 first prize scholarship awarded to the winner of each discipline.
At the Showcase, audience members will also be asked to vote for their favorite performer in all four categories to win the People’s Choice Award and take home a $100.00 prize.
All applicants are asked to submit a headshot to ayacherberger@gmail.com, at least a week before your audition. The photo must be a tightly cropped photo of the face, from the shoulders up. Please include your name and category/categories you are auditioning for in the email. This does not have to be a formal headshot, but we ask that it be clear, to aid our adjudicators in facial recognition. If you do not email a headshot, you must bring three headshots with you to your audition.
There is a $25.00 registration fee to audition per category.
Deadline to apply: February 16, 2025
Acting Auditions:
Actors aged 16-20 will perform two contrasting monologues (comedy/drama, classical/contemporary) in total they should not exceed 4 minutes.
Classical Voice Auditions:
Singers ages 16-20 must perform two pieces, totaling no more than 6 minutes; one of the pieces must be in a foreign language.
Musical Theatre Voice Auditions:
Singers ages 15-19 must perform two pieces, totaling no more than 6 minutes. One selection must be pre 1968 and the other selection must be 1968 to current.
Dance Auditions:
Dancers aged 15-20 will perform a dance in the modern/contemporary genre that is between 3-4 minutes. This may be your own choreography or someone else’s.
Dress Rehearsal for ALL FINALISTS: Feb. 22, 2025, 1 p.m.
Final Performance & Evening Awards Show for ALL FINALISTS: Feb. 22, 2025, 7 p.m.
Note: If you cannot attend ALL of the applicable events listed above, we will not be able to accept your application.
All auditions and performances will occur in downtown Phoenix at the Herberger Theater Center, 222 E. Monroe St., Phoenix, AZ 85004 in Stage West.
Get Tickets for Arizona Young Artists Competition Finals
For more information contact:
Cescily Washington Wiener, M.Ed., Dir. of Community Engagement
602-254-7399x 106
Amber Robins, Community Engagement Assoc.
602-254-7399x 104
Announcing the 2024 Winners!
Classical Voice:
People’s Choice – Brooke Thatcher
Scholarship Award – Brooke Thatcher
Modern/Contemporary Dance:
People’s Choice – Ayla Burnham
Scholarship Award – Ayla Burnham
Musical Theatre Voice:
People’s Choice – Hailey Laidig
Scholarship Award – Kendal Turpin
People’s Choice – Ridhi Chandrasekar
Scholarship Award – Ian Gray