Frequently Asked Questions

If you are unable to find the answer to your question, please call our Box Office at 602.252.8497 and we will be happy to assist!


Is the Herberger Theater Center taking steps due to current health concerns?
If I can’t make it to the show, can I get a refund or exchange my tickets for another date?
Who is the authorized ticket agent for Herberger Theater Center?
Do I have to buy tickets in advance, or can I buy them when I come to the theater?
Can someone else pick my tickets up at the box office for me?
I've ordered email print-at-home tickets online. When can I expect to receive them?
What is the Herberger Theater's bag policy?
I don't have a credit card. Where can I buy tickets for cash?
What happens if I purchase my ticket from an unauthorized seller (scalper)?
Are children allowed in the theater?
Does my child need a ticket? Can he/she sit on my lap?
What should I wear to the theater?
How early must I arrive?
What happens if I am late?
Can I leave the theater and come back?
How long is the show?
Can I take pictures of the show?
Can I text or tweet during the show?
Can I bring my own food and drinks inside the venue?
Can we come on stage/backstage after the show and meet the cast?
Are there discounts for children, students or seniors?
What about group rates? How many do I need for a group discount?
How do I redeem a gift card/certificate?
Do gift certificates expire?
Are your theaters wheelchair accessible?
I am hearing impaired. Does your theater offer amplification?
I must have an aisle seat. How can I be sure my seat is on an aisle?
Are there hotels close to the theater?
Can I be put on a mailing list to be notified of special offers and upcoming events?